
Figurative artist based in Belarus. Recreating a pre-sin world, where the forefront is a human body – full of life, uncovered, unrestricted by the leash of prudishness and hypocrisy. Every inch of works is the result of the tactile impact on the medium, be it canvas, rusty metal, fresco, or ceramics.

They say, there’s an inherent ”mother, source” in the word "material” per se. I like to think of the drawing media I use as guides to another dimension which, at the same time, always get me back to my roots. While working, I feel it, I breathe it – the linseed oil scent in my paint, the woven surface of the canvas. Pastose touch leaves unique furrows remindful of those left by a plow.

Currently I'm also trying to interweave the means I use, plunging into the creation of a hand-drawn animation, where a meticulous work of brush strokes becomes a living message.

Oil Paintings

You can find more works here.


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Frescoes can be seen here.